Counting Days – Prison of Misery review
Counting Days ‘Prison of Misery’ is metal inspired battering grooves that will make you want to throw down so hard your body folds in halfContinue Reading
Counting Days ‘Prison of Misery’ is metal inspired battering grooves that will make you want to throw down so hard your body folds in halfContinue Reading
Red Truck Beer announces their 2016 concert series lineup!Continue Reading
Baroness lights up the Commodore.. went in a casual fan, left wanting more! review by Vaughn OliverContinue Reading
Moderat at the Vogue define ‘Road Warriors’.. keep your stick on the ice kids.Continue Reading
Les DeuxLuxes rock The Great Hall at Canadian Music WeekContinue Reading
Blink 182 Bored to Death new song, left me bored to tears and expecting moreContinue Reading
Wintersleep Amerika song/video more than politics – check our review from Clynton BrooksContinue Reading
Aaron Pritchett confirms he’s been asked to open two shows for Garth Brooks’ Saskatoon 6 show runContinue Reading
Toronto and Canadian Music Week are fired up for another year.. this year we’ll be checking out Bonsound Showcase! Continue Reading
The Age of Electric – a very candid show review from Zim Zimy on a band that’s been absent for nearly 17 yrs!Continue Reading
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