Big Night has big fun! Anyway Gang’s first single as a band

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The Anyway Gang (see our last post) has struck! Their first single, ‘Big Night’ hit the stream waves today at midnight, and since we are on West Coast time, we got to listen last night! So what do we think?

Its catchy! And a little Pop groovy. Bouncy and singable right off the first listen. And seems familiar but only because we can hear Sam Roberts singing the first verse.. by the second verse the lead vocals change, and then change again in the third verse which is not only pleasing to the ear, but highly effective. When a band has such heavy hitters as Tokyo Police Club, Hollerado, Sam Roberts Band and Sloan in it.. its smart to mix it up so that no one ‘band’ stands out in the new band.

‘Big Night’ says a lot in a few short minutes! One really feels like you’re out on the town with your besties, wandering from bar to dance clubs as the night picks up.. at one point in the chorus it sounds like glasses clinking.. by the last chorus it could be midnight chiming as the liquor and dancing has its effect on coherent conversation 🙂 Its a great fun along for the ride tune. We love it.

Check it out below, and check out Anyway Gang on their Instagram.

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